Stranded Costs Bubble Onto CenterPoint Energy Bills in Texas

Stranded costs have bubbled to the surface again in the Texas market. Last week CenterPoint energy was granted permission to add a charge to customers for the portion of their called stranded costs that were denied by the Texas PUC. Loren Steffy at the Houston Chronicle wrote and article at Fuelfix covering the background on this Texas Supreme Court ruling.

The Texas legislature was concerned about the regulated utilities not swallowing the costs of their generation plants build under the regulated umbrella. The big dark questions:

  • What was the marketplace value of the plants?
  • What was the best way to determine this value?
  • Should there be a way to protect the consumers from mistakes?

Now that the dust has settled it appears that the stranded cost issue was probably not a real issue. The regulated utilities had no incentive to control costs when they built generation plants so the costs were not under any market forces to be efficient. Now that almost every Texas generation plant that existed when deregulation took place has been “flipped” at least once or twice we know the utilities must have sold them too cheap. But why should they worry with the consumers covering their back so to speak.

The dollars to be collected over 20 years is not chump change either: $1.7 billion.

Writing a Book Is Only the Beginning, Publishing Is Another Matter

Over the past several months I have been working a booklet about my experiences and process for strategically sourcing electricity at my former employer. This was a slow march as I had some interruptions (a month long vacation in September being the biggest). The writing has finally been completed and now I have moved into the publisher role. has a service at where authors, or other people, can print their book and then sell it through

I thought the writing was a challenge until I started wading through the publishing process. So far I have made seven format variations trying to meet the requirements for the printed version to look like a real book. At the same time I wanted to offer an ebook version on The formatting and requirements are very different for the Kindle world. Color and page layout can be maddening as I switch back and forth between the print and ebook. Going forward I am going to conquer the print version and the move to the ebook.

Eventually I will overcome these issues but in the meantime it can be frustrating. This might shed some light on why a publisher takes so long to print a book.

The next frontier will be marketing.