Michigan Upper Peninsula Power Plant Could Close

Clean air rules cloud future of U.P. power plant
Transmission lines could replace coal-fired utility
By Thomas Content of the Journal Sentinel
Looming environmental rules may lead We Energies to shut down the only major power plant serving Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in the next five or six years.

And similar scenarios are playing out across the Midwest, where operators of coal-fired plants – the predominant producers of electricity in the region – are grappling with how to comply with impending U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards limiting emissions of mercury, sulfur dioxide and other pollutants from their smokestacks. …

California ISO has posted the Market Surveillance Committee draft opinion

Market Surveillance Committee Draft Opinion Posted
The California ISO has posted the Market Surveillance Committee draft opinion on Renewable Integration – Market and Product Review Phase 1 and an updated Board of Governors meeting schedule to its website. An excerpt from the opinion:

1.  Introduction
The Market Surveillance Committee (MSC) of the California Independent System Operator has been asked to provide an opinion on the three components of the Nov. 4, 2011 Draft Final Proposal for the Renewable Integration: Market and Product Review, Phase

1.1   The purpose of that proposal is to identify modifications to the market rules that could be quickly implemented in order to facilitate integration of variable renewable power sources into the ISO markets.  The fundamental concern being addressed is the potentially inadequate amounts in real-time of economic bids during periods of very low (i.e., negative) prices.  Such inadequacies are experienced occasionally at present, and are anticipated to increase significantly in frequency as more renewable resources come on line.   The economic consequences of inadequate economic bids when prices are negative is that additional within-CAISO thermal resources are required to be committed rather than less expensive imports so that decreases in loads in real-time can be accommodated by dispatching those resources downward.  With a deeper pool of economic bids, including bids from renewable generators, it will become less expensive for the ISO to procure decreases in generation when needed under negative prices.