Utilities, RTOs seek more time to comply with EPA rules, ensure reliability

Utilities, RTOs seek more time to comply with EPA rules, ensure reliability
Washington (Platts)

Regional transmission organizations joined electric utilities Wednesday in saying more time is needed to comply with US environmental regulations and to ensure grid reliability is maintained as utilities retrofit or retire coal-fired generation.

“Timing and uncertainty remain the most significant concerns” when it comes to how generation owners will comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s mercury, air toxics and water cooling rules and in how regional grid operators will ensure reliability, Mark Lauby, North American Electric Reliability Corporation vice…

Constellation, Exelon: No Need for FERC Merger Hearing

Constellation, Exelon say state AG did not show need for FERC merger hearing
Washington (Platts)
Exelon and Constellation Energy have countered a state attorney general’s request for federal regulators to hold a hearing regarding the impacts of the proposed merger on northern Illinois markets, arguing that the AG failed to show that there was a need for such a hearing.

Even if everything the attorney general said was correct, she “still has not shown that northern Illinois should be analyzed as a separate relevant geographic market or that there is a need for a hearing regarding the…