EPA Air Rules Could be Delayed

The EPA continues to be an agency bent on reducing the manufacturing ability of the US. Each regulation adds more costs which make US based companies less competitive with the rest of the world that does not match our zeal for the environment. Several of our strongest competitors do not share our drive to rid the world of pollution.

US senators plans to offer safety valve’ bill to modify US EPA air rules
Washington (Platts)–12Dec2011/559 pm EST/2259 GMT

US Senator Lisa Murkowski plans to introduce a bill that would give electric utilities more time to comply with a major air toxics rules scheduled to be finalized this week by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Alaska Republican said in a statement Monday.

“Given the reckless pace at which the EPA is advancing new rules, it is clear Congress must step in,” Murkowski, the senior Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee said. “I’ve instructed my staff to draft legislation that would put in place a safety valve worthy of the name so that the nation can continue to have reliable and affordable power. It helps no one to pay more for less reliable…

Natural gas to displace coal as U.S. power fuel, report says

Natural gas to displace coal as U.S. power fuel, report says
Houston Business Journal

Natural gas will overtake coal as the main fuel to drive electricity power plants in the U.S. by 2025, Exxon Mobil Corp.    (NYSE: XOM) predicts in its long-term outlook to be released Thursday.

Reuters cites a Wall Street Journal preview of the report, saying that the abundance of natural gas in the U.S. and the need for cleaner-burning fuels are behind the gradual shift. …