Wind Generation Shows Some Ups and Downs for September YOY

From the U.S Energy Information Administration

Texas is by far the largest wind generation state.

Table 1.17.A.  Net Generation from Wind by State by Sector, September 2011 and 2010
(Thousand Megawatthours)
Census Division Total (All Sectors) Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector
and State Electric Utilities Independent Power Producers
  Sep-11 Sep-10 Percent Change Sep-11 Sep-10 Sep-11 Sep-10 Sep-11 Sep-10 Sep-11 Sep-10
New England 48 38 26.8 NM 2 46 35 NM *
Maine 41 30 36.1 41 30
Massachusetts NM 2 NM 1 NM * NM *
New Hampshire NM 5 NM 5
Rhode Island NM * NM *
Vermont * 1 * 1
Middle Atlantic 259 368 -29.6 259 368 NM
New Jersey NM 1 NM 1
New York 151 235 -35.5 151 235 NM
Pennsylvania 107 132 -19.4 107 132
East North Central 703 743 -5.4 38 48 665 695 NM * NM
Illinois 400 373 7.1 NM 1 399 373
Indiana 164 246 -33.3 164 246 NM *
Michigan 38 32 17.9 38 32
Ohio 26 1 NM NM 1 25 NM
Wisconsin 75 90 -16.7 36 46 39 44
West North Central 1,778 2,048 -13.2 531 563 1,246 1,484 NM 1
Iowa 572 745 -23.3 269 359 303 386
Kansas 228 288 -20.8 63 68 165 220
Minnesota 367 344 6.7 87 30 280 313 NM 1
Missouri 69 87 -21.7 69 87
Nebraska 59 30 95.5 14 17 45 13
North Dakota 342 421 -18.8 72 88 270 333
South Dakota 141 132 6.8 27 * 115 132
South Atlantic 78 67 17 78 67
Delaware NM * NM *
District of Columbia
Maryland 18 18
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia 60 66 -9.9 60 66
East South Central 3 2 25.7 3 2
Tennessee 3 2 25.7 3 2
West South Central 2,000 1,900 5.3 42 63 1,958 1,837
Oklahoma 337 311 8.3 42 63 295 249
Texas 1,663 1,589 4.7 NM * 1,663 1,589
Mountain 794 728 9.1 108 98 684 630 NM NM
Arizona 8 6 34 8 6
Colorado 297 257 15.5 5 5 291 252 NM NM
Idaho 71 26 171.2 71 26
Montana 72 60 19.1 NM 5 67 56
New Mexico 113 136 -16.9 113 136
Utah 23 39 -42 23 39
Wyoming 211 204 3.6 99 88 112 116
Pacific Contiguous 1,201 1,186 1.3 204 263 998 924
California 534 551 -3 26 41 508 510
Oregon 305 274 11.3 33 39 271 235
Washington 362 361 0.1 144 183 218 179
Pacific Noncontiguous 20 26 -23.2 NM 1 19 24
Alaska NM 1 NM 1
Hawaii 19 24 -23.1 19 24
U.S. Total 6,883 7,106 -3.1 925 1,036 5,954 6,068 2 1 1
  * = Value is less than half of the smallest unit of measure (e.g., for values with no decimals, the smallest unit is “1” then values under 0.5 are shown as “*”.)
  NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
  Notes: • Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. • Percentage difference is calculated before rounding. • See Glossary for definitions. • Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation. • Values for 2010 are final.  Values for 2011 are preliminary. – See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
  Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration,  Form EIA-923, “Power Plant Operations Report.”

Gas use for power generation leads increase

With the increase in the supply of natural gas this points to where some of it is going. Will this be the right decision in 20 or 30 years? The automobile industry made a similar decision to go to the internal combustion engine over a hundred years ago and now people are upset with the resulting emissions.

Gas use for power generation leads increase in natural gas use in 2010
U.S Energy Information Administration

Natural gas use for power generation rose 7%, or about 515 billion cubic feet (Bcf), between 2009 and 2010, according to EIA. Most of the gains in the power sector were in the Eastern half of the country (see map above left). Total natural gas deliveries to consumers in the United States grew about 4 % to around 22 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) for 2010. Use of natural gas in the industrial sector was up by 6% in 2010 but from a lower base than in the..