What is your shipping strategy? – UPS reporting widespread technical glitches

This why you need a shipping strategy. Everything does not always happen as planned.

UPS reporting widespread technical glitches
Associated Press
NEW YORK — UPS is reporting widespread, scattered technical problems affecting tracking and processing of packages.

United Parcel Service Inc. spokeswoman Susan Rosenberg said Wednesday that the outages are not affecting the movement of trucks or any other part of the operation. The problem is with some shipping applications that customers use to input and track shipments. Some are reporting problems getting into the system.

Rosenberg says a disruption like this is very rare because of the number of overlaps in the system designed to prevent them.

Coordination between Natural Gas and Electricity Markets

As a market participant you should know of the growing interdependence of electricity and natural gas. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission wants comments on how these two can coordinate as the interdependence grows tighter. This opportunity for input may not happen again. The call for comments: 


Coordination between Natural Gas and Electricity Markets
Docket No.  AD12-12-000

(February 15, 2012)

The natural gas and electricity industries provide a service that  is critical to the health and safety of the nation.  Since natural gas is expected to be relied on much more heavily in electricity generati on, the interdependence of these industries merits careful attention.  This interdependence was highlighted at a recent National Association of
Regulatory Utility Commissioners  (NARUC) conference, in a session led in part by Commissioner Norris, on ways to improve coordination between the two industries.

On February 3, 2012, Co mmissioner Philip Moeller requested comments on a set of questions and other text concerning gas-electric interdependence. For purposes of administrative convenience and facilitating  public access to any submissions filed in response, this notice assigns the above-captioned docket number to  this request and revises the process for filing submissions in response to this request.

Comments responding to this notice and Commissioner Moeller’s February 3 statement requesting comments should be submitted, in Docket No. AD12-12-000, on or before March 30, 2012.

Comments may be filed electronically via th e Internet.  See the  instructions on the Commission’s website http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/efiling.asp.  Commenters can submit brief comments up to 6,000 characters,  without prior registration, using the…