Federal Goverment Wants to Raise Transmission Costs

US FERC should be slow to award transmission incentive rates: coalition
Washington (Platts)–5Mar2012/706 pm EST/006 GMT
The US Federal Regulatory Commission should avoid awarding to transmission project developers rate of return on equity adders that boost investor profits at the expense of ratepayers, a broad coalition of state regulators, consumer advocates and environmentalists said Monday.

“The commission should not approve [ROE] incentives as a matter of course, particularly where other factors — such as cost recovery under formula rates — will mitigate the risk associated with a project,” the coalition…

What is the Texas Coalition for Affordable Power?

What is the Texas Coalition for Affordable Power?
Questions and answers about one of the state’s leading organizations of electricity consumers

When it comes to electric deregulation, the Texas Coalition for Affordable Power enjoys a unique vantage point. The more than 160 cities and other political subdivisions that make up TCAP purchase in excess of 1.3 billion kilowatt/hours of power each year for their own governmental use. As such, it is one of the largest organizations of energy consumers in the state.

High energy costs can impact municipal budgets and the ability to fund essential services. An increase by even a single penny in electric rates can cost cities millions of dollars. TCAP members understand this first-hand. High energy prices also places a burden on local businesses and home consumers.

That’s why TCAP, as part of its mission, proactively promotes affordable energy policies. TCAP monitors federal, state and local initiatives that may affect the price and availability of energy. The organization represents…