ISO-New England capacity auction ends

ISO-New England capacity auction ends at price floor with surplus
Washington (Platts)
ISO New England’s sixth forward capacity market auction acquired 36,309 MW of capacity for the June 1, 2015, to May 31, 2016, period and saw the withdrawal of the 604-MW Vermont Yankee nuclear plant, according to a Monday filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Under the forward capacity market, ISO-NE projects the needs of the power system three years in advance and holds an annual auction to purchase the power resources that will satisfy those future regional requirements. Resources that clear in the auction are committed to provide power or curtail when called upon by the ISO, or risk financial penalties. …

Natural Gas Glut Wants to Break the Border Barrier

Can the borders hold in the natural gas glut? Supply and demand are tough reign in.

El Paso unveils plan for new line to export gas to Mexico
Washington (Platts)
El Paso Natural Gas is seeking early environmental review of its plan to build a 60-mile lateral from its pipeline near Tuscon, Arizona, to the US/Mexico border, according to documents released Monday.

The Sasabe Lateral Project would link El Paso’s South Mainline System to the border near the town of Sasabe, Arizona, the company said in an April 27 request to the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. …