California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard: Could a similar cap-and-trade scheme work on a national level?
Featuring John Kingston and Alison Ciaccio
(video interview)
In California, a push by regulators to reduce CO2 emissions could end up altering the crude slate processed by area refineries. Under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, the use of crudes with a high carbon intensity rating, while not banned or restricted, would need to be offset by lower-carbon crude, refined products, blendstocks or credits, which, critics claim, could end up destroying margins for some…
Entergy inks deal on Vermont Yankee capacity supply obligations in New England
Entergy inks deal on Vermont Yankee capacity supply obligations in New England
Washington (Platts)
Entergy, state officials and ISO New England on Friday filed a settlement with the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on what would happen if the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant is unable to operate in the 2012-2013 and 2014-2015 delivery years and cannot meet its commitments.
At issue is whether Vermont Yankee must be available to be called on by ISO-NE during those years and whether the plant’s so-called “capacity supply obligation” to the ISO would remain in place if the plant is…