Minimum Package Charges, and Why They Matter

Minimum Package Charges, and Why They Matter
By Joe Wilkinson,
When negotiating a parcel carrier agreement there is an endless number of factors that can be potentially considered and negotiated. To start you will always need to review the discounts on your most commonly used service levels as well as a handful of commonly used accessorial and surcharges; this is and will always be an essential aspect when attaining a competitive agreement. However, many times the details are overlooked and one of the most important and least recognized in parcel pricing is minimum package charges.

I am always surprised by the number of shippers who do not understand the role the minimum package charge plays in parcel costs. Still more believe that the minimum package charge is nonnegotiable. Not so. Like any component of a parcel agreement, concessions are possible. Remember, everything is negotiable.

To better explain the importance let’s consider a…

Texas PUC Vote Signals Support For Market Shift

Texas PUC Vote Signals Support For Market Shift

by Jim Malewitz, Texas Tribune

Texas regulators signaled Friday that they would pursue a major overhaul of the wholesale electricity market in hopes of ensuring the long-term reliability of the state’s electric grid.

At a meeting that turned testy, the Public Utility Commission voted 2-1 to mandate an electrical  “reserve margin,” which is backup capacity that grid operators could tap if consumption in power-thirsty Texas soars above expectations. Those on both sides of the debate called Friday’s nonbinding vote the first step in…