Report: How will bankruptcy of state’s largest energy company impact YOU?

Energy Future Holdings faces the prospect of bankruptcy — perhaps in just a few weeks. How is it that the state’s largest electric company now finds itself in such dire straits? And how would an EFH financial collapse impact you?
The Texas Coalition for Affordable Power has released a new Snapshot Report on the plight of the north Texas electricity giant. You can find the brief examination here. In just a few short pages it provides all the quick facts you need to understand this important business story, plus key historical context.
EFH was formed in 2007, after a group of investors leveraged more than $40 billion in debt to acquire the former TXU Corporation. It was the largest leveraged buyout in history.
The background brief provides a quick history of the buyout, and also examines the three…

PUC punts capacity market decision to the Texas Legislature in 2015

Nicholas Sakelaris, Staff Writer – Dallas Business Journal

The future of Texas electricity markets could be in the hands of the legislature in 2015.
The Public Utility Commission decided Thursday to postpone a workshop on electricity and resource adequacy indefinitely. It was originally scheduled for May.
“They want to get more information that they won’t have by May so they’re postponing it for a later date to be determined later,” said Terry Hadley, a PUC spokesman.
The three-member PUC also decided not to…