Southwest Power Pool’s new integrated marketplace saves $131 million


Southwest Power Pool’s new integrated marketplace generated $131 million in net savings for the footprint in its first 12 months of operation, a new analysis showed.
Started March 1, 2014, SPP’s Integrated Marketplace features a day-ahead market with transmission congestion rights, a reliability unit commitment process, a real-time balancing market and an operating reserve market, all operated from a central balancing authority.
During Monday’s Regional State Committee meeting, Bruce Rew, SPP vice president for operations, noted…

Targeting Indirect Spend More Effectively

Spend Matters

by Jason Busch

Targeting Indirect Spend More Effectively: “Suitening” and Addressing Stakeholder Context

There are a number of emerging strategies to tackle indirect spend more effectively. These include, as my colleague Pierre Mitchell likes to call it, “suitening” to support all source-to-settle processes for indirect. With the concept of suitening, it is important to think suite, rather than individual components, for transactional elements of the indirect solution. Integrated suites that combine requisitioning, catalog management, advanced search, contract management and …