FERC asked for stance on Northwest power market


In a key step to developing an energy market in the Northwest, a group of utilities and other entities are asking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to make certain findings related to their plans to launch a sub-hourly market.
FERC’s determinations will help decide whether a voluntary 15-minute trading market overseen by an independent administrator will move ahead, according to the request for a declaratory order, filed Friday with FERC.
“Recognition by the commission that an all-voluntary market model is acceptable, that the unique characteristics of the region’s resource mix will factor into oversight of market behavior, and that the region will have reasonable certainty with respect to the shape of the developing market are all critical factors in …

California ISO addresses power price spikes in new EIM tariff proposal


The California Independent System Operator is proposing tariff revisions aimed at ending unexpected price spikes, or “infeasibilities,” that have occurred in the Western energy imbalance market after it started in November.
“The CAISO is confident that implementing this proposal will substantially ameliorate the remaining infeasibilities encountered in the PacifiCorp balancing authority areas, such that the percentage of remaining infeasible intervals in the energy imbalance market will not be excessive [compared with CAISO’s internal markets and other…