ERCOT panel advances load visibility rule changes


Electric Reliability Council of Texas market participants may get a better idea of how load is performing and what load resources are available as a result of its Technical Advisory Committee actions on Thursday.
Among the nodal protocol revision requests approved by the committee Thursday was NPRR 797, which requires the creation of a new report and display of actual system load by…

TCAP Report: Electricity Complaints Fall To New Low

R.A. Dyer
Electricity complaints filed with state regulators have dropped precipitously to a new post-electric deregulation low, according to a new report by the Texas Coalition for Affordable Power.
All told, Texans filed 4,835 electricity-related complaints or inquiries with the Texas Public Utility Commission during the most recent fiscal year — down from the 6,973 electricity-related complaints or inquires filed during FY 2015. This nearly 31 …