Wind picks up natural gas’ share of ERCOT energy supply in October


Wind power filled in the gap left behind by the decline in natural gas-fired power’s share in the October fuel mix for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, while coal saw small gains and nuclear power eased slightly, according to ERCOT’s 2016 Demand and Energy Report.
ERCOT also set a new October monthly peak record of 59,848 MW on October 5, which was down 10.5% from 66,853 MW in September but up 1.1% from 59,187 MW in…

PJM monitor recommends market changes for competitiveness


In the PJM Interconnection’s latest 2016 Quarterly State of the Market Report, released Thursday, the independent market monitor made three new recommendations and two modified recommendations to enhance the competitiveness and efficiency of PJM markets.
The energy uplift, capacity market and demand response sections of the report each have one new recommendation, while the capacity market also has two modified recommendations in the report, which covers the first …