New wind record in Texas

Recharge Texas

Wind generation briefly topped the 15,000-megawatt mark this month, achieving a new record for total instantaneous wind power output in Texas.
Wind turbines cranked out 15,033 MW of electricity at 12:35 p.m. on Sunday, reported ERCOT, the operator of the state’s main power grid. That output represented about 45 percent of all electricity consumed on the ERCOT grid at that time.
More than 8,800 MW of the wind power came from generators in West and North Texas, another 3,800 MW came from the …

Cal-ISO market monitor calls for scrapping congestion revenue right auction


The California Independent System Operator’s congestion revenue right auction process is leading to major losses for ratepayers and should be revamped, according to the grid operator’s market monitor.
ISO transmission ratepayers lost $520 million in the CRR auction from 2012 through 2015, according to a white paper the ISO’s Department of Market Monitoring issued Monday.
CRRs are financial instruments available …