Gearing Up for Negotiation Season


By Brittany Beecroft
Negotiation pre-season is about to kick off. Annually, we should be reviewing our agreements, adjustments, and invoices (invoices are our Magic 8-Ball to reveal rates and weights). A little pre-season prep can eliminate that post-season post-audit of invoices, where you wonder where all the negotiated savings went. Prepping rate changes is like prepping a recipe — we need to know what is currently in-house, what our receipts look like, and what is on our list. …

FedEx Announces New Dimensional Weight Pricing for SmartPost in 2018


By Dave Sullivan
As most of us have heard by now, FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, and FedEx Freight, subsidiaries of FedEx Corp., will increase shipping rates effective January 1, 2018 by an average of 4.9%. The change will impact the following:
· Express package and freight standard list rates for US, US export, and US import services
· FedEx Ground and Home Delivery standard list rates
· FedEx Freight rates
As everyone is busy digesting what this means to their individual businesses, it’s important not to lose sight of a change that was announced with slightly less fanfare. Potentially one of the most impactful changes for 2018 comes with the announcement that FedEx will begin …