UPS 2018 General Rate Increase and Other Changes


by Dave Sullivan
Effective December 24, 2017 (yes, you read that correctly), rates for UPS Ground, UPS Air, and International services as well as UPS Air Freight rates within and the between the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico will increase an average of 4.9%.
A complete analysis from Shipware will be forthcoming over the next week or so, and we will look at the impact of the rate increase in more detail. As usual, expect there to be a disconnect between the announced increase of 4.9% and reality in several key areas.
In the meantime, here are some important preliminary takeaways: …

First wave of comments on US DOE’s power market rule roll in


A tsunami of comments covering the ideological waterfront of the US Department of Energy’s contentious power market proposal flooded into the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Monday, a deadline set as part of the department’s aggressive 60-day timeline for final action by the commission.
Ahead of filing official comments, the power industry was quick to take sides, drawing a clear line in the sand between the positions of the coal and nuclear sectors and …