Analysis: Fines likely if ERCOT retirements result in blackouts


The North American Electric Reliability Corp levied $278,000 in penalties on Texas entities following the rolling blackouts imposed during the extreme cold snap of February 2011, but the consequences would likely be much heavier if another rolling blackout results from planned retirements.
In early February 2011, extreme cold caused 210 generators in the …

US FERC rejects Cal-ISO waiver affecting adequacy program


The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Tuesday rejected a California Independent System Operator request that it be allowed to keep unchanged the hours that it offers incentives for power plants and other resources being available when electric demand is highest.
The issue centers on the ISO’s “availability assessment hours,” a five-hour period that covers daily, historical peak load. The grid operator’s availability assessment hours for this year are 1 pm to 6 pm from April to October and …