PJM debates energy price formation changes


As the PJM Interconnection advances the process of changing the way it calculates prices, stakeholders at a Thursday meeting discussed various market issues to be considered, including hedging, balancing congestion and demand curve modeling.

“We’re trying to fully capture what we want in the discussion under energy price formation,” …

ERCOT admits to violating Texas PUC rules on pricing, disclosures


The Electric Reliability Council of Texas has notified state regulators it has violated several state regulations and ERCOT protocols affecting prices and other issues, some since ERCOT’s nodal market start-up in December 2010, which one trader on Tuesday said was “troubling.”

In a filing Monday, ERCOT notified the Public Utility Commission of Texas it had violated rules related to the release of information on energy ancillary service offers, to the calculation of …