FERC resilience review not impacted by potential DOE action to stop baseload retirements


The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission does not intend to needlessly keep stakeholders in suspense when the commission ultimately decides what its next steps will be on grid resilience, nor will its review be stalled by proposals being floated at the Department of Energy, FERC Chairman Kevin McIntyre said Thursday.

After nixing a contentious proposal (RM18-1) from DOE to institute new market rules providing …

Cal-ISO seeks to avoid expanded grid oversight role, transmission maintenance


The California Independent System Operator does not want to take on the job of overseeing transmission maintenance as part of its transmission planning process because it does not have the staff or expertise to do so, the grid operator told federal regulators recently.

Instead, this job should stay in the hands of the utilities that are the participating transmission owners, the grid operator told the …