Wind helped ERCOT with July heat wave, but …


Strong wind generation helped the Electric Reliability Council of Texas system cope with the mid-July heat wave with high prices, but such wind capacity is unlikely to be available if another heat wave strikes in August, board members were told Tuesday.

ERCOT set a new all-time power demand record of 73,259 MW on July 19 and a new all-time weekend demand record of 71,444 MW of July 22. In the latter half of July, ERCOT President and …

California ISO issues restricted maintenance notice after 1,350 MW generation loss


The California Independent System Operator issued a notice restricting maintenance operations Monday after the loss of 1,350 MW of generation resources in Southern California.

A large generator was forced out of service Saturday on top of other recent forced outages, leading the grid operator to issue the notice for 6 am to 10 pm PDT Monday in anticipation of high loads and …