Why is Procurement so Bad at Managing All Indirect Spend?

Having spent 11 years at corporate indirect spend for a Fortune 100 company I can identify with this question.

Spend Matters, Jason Busch

Later this week, I’m participating on a webinar with Deem’s Patrick Grady titled Order Out of Chaos for Indirect Spend. The premise of the discussion is that while many organizations are starting to more actively manage indirect spend today through e-procurement and related initiatives, there is so much more they can be doing. Our thesis is that overall indirect spending remains chaotic and unmanaged in most organizations today despite initial forays to bring it under control.
We believe that to truly manage indirect spend, we must fully understand it first (this is one of the potential dangers of relying too heavily on the services of a GPO or a vendor such as a Grainger directly which wants to “own the problem” for you). Without understanding all elements of our spending, there’s a strong chance that we’ll…

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